USDA’s recommended decision for FMMO Milk Pricing reform was released on Monday, July 1. The Recomme...
Download the report.Members can download the full report via the link below. IDFA’s first annual Sta...
For 12 years, students in U.S. public schools have not been able to access the milk varieties that they...
The International Dairy Foods Association (IDFA) in partnership with McKinsey and Company surveyed IDFA...
The International Dairy Foods Association (IDFA) has partnered once again with Research America, Inc. t...
Your favorite drink may include a splash of club soda, an ounce of liqueur or a cocktail umbrella. B...
Consumers may not be trapped at home exploring old recipe books and comfort foods, but they are stil...
When the 118th Congress convened earlier this month in Washington, Republicans took control of the U...
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), in November 2022, published a final rule "Requirements....
Do influencers really influence what and where we eat? Social media platforms such as TikTok and Ins...
IDFA in collaboration with PwC presented the final session in our ESG Learning Series delivered by A...
From rampant inflation to strong exports, from increased milk production to faltering consumer deman...
On the heels of a U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) proposal to cut WIC benefits for milk and da...
Water shortages. Cybercrime. Butter’s busy season. If it’s pertinent to the dairy industry, we cover...
On November 8th, millions of Americans cast their ballots in the 2022 midterm elections. Like....
A confluence of crises and disruptions has impacted companies across all industries along the f...
Facilities often focus on finding new operational efficiencies when looking to save both time and mo...