WASHINGTON, Nov. 15, 2023— Michael Dykes, D.V.M., President and CEO of the International Dairy Foods Association (IDFA), released the following statement today:
“The continuing resolution passed this week includes an extension of the 2018 Farm Bill that will allow important dairy-related programs to continue to operate until September 30, 2024. The Healthy Fluid Milk Incentives Projects—a dairy nutrition incentive program for SNAP participants—will be eligible to receive additional appropriations to continue its significant expansion to reach more communities across the country in 2024. In addition, the Farm Bill extension permits USDA to restart the Dairy Forward Pricing Program as soon as the legislation is signed into law by the President, avoiding the need for a time-consuming rulemaking process similar to the one that was required to ‘restart’ the program after it lapsed in 2018.
“While the bill gives Congress another year to pass a strong Farm Bill, it only keeps the lights on at USDA and FDA for another two months. IDFA urges Congress to pass a FY2024 funding bill that fully funds Healthy Fluid Milk Incentives Projects, retains milk and dairy benefit levels for WIC moms and children, and maintains dairy’s central role in the federal school meals program.”
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The International Dairy Foods Association (IDFA), Washington, D.C., represents the nation’s dairy manufacturing and marketing industry, which supports more than 3.2 million jobs that generate $49 billion in direct wages and $794 billion in overall economic impact. IDFA’s diverse membership ranges from multinational organizations to single-plant companies, from dairy companies and cooperatives to food retailers and suppliers, all on the cutting edge of innovation and sustainable business practices. Together, they represent most of the milk, cheese, ice cream, yogurt and cultured products, and dairy ingredients produced and marketed in the United States and sold throughout the world. Delicious, safe and nutritious, dairy foods offer unparalleled health and consumer benefits to people of all ages.
IDFA Media Contact

Andrew Jerome
Vice President, Communications