On Nov. 23, 2020, IDFA leadership shared our short- and medium-term policy priorities with President-Elect Biden’s transition team leaders at each of the respective departments and agencies with which we work closest: USDA, FDA, USTR, EPA, and Labor/OSHA. Each memo reflects the short- and medium-term advocacy and regulatory priorities on which IDFA is currently engaged. Many of these priorities are reflected in the IDFA Industry Segment Board priorities as well as IDFA's Vision for the Future working papers. In sharing these memos with the transition team leads, our goal is to maintain the advocacy and regulatory momentum we’ve established over the past four years and to begin seeding the ground with the new Administration for a positive partnership that will yield progress for our dairy industry.

Review the IDFA Memos

IDFA Staff Experts

J. David Carlin

Senior Vice President of Legislative Affairs and Economic Policy

Joseph Scimeca

Former Senior Vice President, Regulatory & Scientific Affairs, IDFA

Danielle Quist

Vice President, Regulatory Affairs and Counsel

John Allan

Vice President, Regulatory Affairs and International Standards

Becky Rasdall

Senior Vice President, Trade and Workforce Policy