Ralph Hoffman

Executive Vice President, Supply Chain & Risk Management, Schuman Cheese

Ralph Hoffman, Chief Business Officer, is responsible for Schuman Cheese’s financial performance, strategic planning, risk management, and government relations activities.  His role encompasses the monitoring of global dairy trade, the impacts of domestic macro fundamentals, dairy commodity markets, and working with our sales teams to execute customer supply programs. He is currently President of the Cheese Importers Association of America and was appointed by the Secretary of Agriculture for a second three year term as a board member on the National Dairy Board and Dairy Management Inc., and jointly appointed by the Secretary of Agriculture and the US Trade Representative (USTR) as a technical advisor (ATAC) for processed foods to ensure U.S. trade policy and trade negotiating objectives adequately reflect U.S. public and private sector interests.  Prior to Joining the Schuman team 20 years ago, Ralph held leadership roles with Ernst & Young in their strategy and supply chain consulting organization and has both a BS and MBA in Finance.