IDFA Members and registered attendees can view presentation materials from "Revolutionizing Dairy Bottling". If you are logged in and can not see the materials, please refresh your session by logging out and logging back in to the IDFA website via the red button in the top right corner of your screen.

IDFA and the experts at Serac presented an exploration of the latest advancements in dairy bottling, focusing on the techniques and technologies that are transforming the industry.
In this comprehensive guide, we delved into the diverse range of available solutions designed to enhance product shelf-life, operational efficiencies, and sustainability practices. We also showcased various cutting-edge technologies and methodologies that have the potential to revolutionize the dairy bottling process. By examining each solution, we provided a balanced perspective on the advantages and disadvantages they bring to the table, from the simplest improvement to the most advanced solution.

Serac page: Filling Machines for Milk and Liquid Dairy - Made in the USA (

Presented by:


Nicolas Ricard

Nicolas Ricard, Managing Director, Serac Inc

Jean-Luc Hostachy

Technical Director, Serac Inc