IDFA Members can view presentation materials from "IDFA Membership Briefing - October 2022". If you are logged in and can not see the materials, please refresh your session by logging out and logging back in to the IDFA website via the red button in the top right corner of your screen.

IDFA hosted the Fall 2022 Membership Briefing to present on the many ways IDFA is working to make a difference for dairy by reducing or improving regulation, impacting legislation and policy affecting the dairy industry, or working to expand markets in the United States and abroad.

Membership briefings are scheduled three times a year to provide updates on issues that are, or will be, affecting your business. All members are welcome to participate. IDFA’s subject matter experts and member services staff will outline timely issues, their impact on dairy companies, IDFA’s action steps and ways members can participate in shaping the outcome.