Regulatory RoundUP 2020

As one of the most highly regulated food industries in the United States, dairy must comply with regulations issued by multiple federal agencies, including the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and the U.S. Department of Commerce, among other state and local regulatory bodies. IDFA’s Regulatory RoundUP transitioned to an online format in 2020, connecting dairy professionals virtually with regulatory officials who have direct responsibility for the rules affecting dairy plants, products, and personnel.

Resigstrants of Regulatory RoundUP can find the sessions and presentations from the webinar series below. If you registered for the series and can not see the videos and slides below, please refresh your session by logging out and logging back in to the IDFA website via the red button in the top right corner of your screen.

Attendee List

View the 2020 Regulatory RoundUP attendee list here.
