Regulatory RoundUP

As one of the most highly regulated food industries in the United States, dairy must comply with regulations issued by multiple federal agencies, including the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and the U.S. Department of Commerce, among other state and local regulatory bodies.

Regulatory RoundUP, presented annually by the International Dairy Foods Association, provides dairy professionals with the opportunity to hear updates and insights from regulatory officials in Washington, DC with direct responsibility for the rules that affect dairy plants, products and personnel. In addition, attendees will hear insights from experts in the field on regulatory and compliance issues important to the dairy industry. As one of the most highly regulated food industries, this conference will help dairy professionals better understand the policy, legal, and scientific factors that drive federal regulations, the parameters for compliance, legal challenges and how best to engage in the process to shape pending regulations. Attendees also have opportunities to network with speakers and colleagues in the dairy industry.

IDFA’s Regulatory RoundUP is geared toward dairy company and plant professionals who are responsible for understanding and complying with dairy regulations, as well as the suppliers who work with dairy plants to meet and exceed federal, state and local standards for dairy food manufacturing.

Conference Materials

Looking for information from past Regulatory RoundUP events? Find presentations, agendas and other useful materials from events dating back to 2018:

If you have any questions or are interested in sponsorship opportunities, please contact IDFA Vice President of Events Management and Sponsorship Lindsay Gold for more information:

Staff Contact

Lindsay Gold

Vice President, Events Management and Sponsorship