TogetherCountsSmallToday I’m taking the pledge—a pledge to help my family maintain a healthy weight by eating together and doing activities as a family.  I’m joining Together Counts, an initiative led by the Healthy Weight Commitment Foundation to encourage families to take small steps toward reducing and preventing obesity. Together Counts encourages families, friends or other groups across the country to take a pledge to make two small changes as a group: to eat at least one meal a week together and to take part in one group activity per week.  People can participate with their families or with a group of friends, neighbors or co-workers. BreakfastWith my family, we usually eat together, but because of early bedtimes and long commutes, there are times when all four of us sitting down and eating together doesn’t happen as often.  Activities are similar; my boys often play outside, but getting the whole family together to play ball or go for a walk doesn't happen as frequently. Making a pledge to do these things together will help remind us to eat or play together when we have the chance. FootballYou can participate in Together Counts, too.  You can take the pledge with your family or co-workers.  You can encourage other people at your company to participate. You can share the information on Together Counts with your customers. IDFA is an associate member of the Healthy Weight Commitment Foundation, a coalition of food companies and community organizations that share the goal of reducing obesity, especially among children. Dairy companies can join the Healthy Weight Commitment Foundation to support Together Counts and the coalition’s other activities to reduce obesity. A list of current members and partners is available here. Have you taken the Together Counts pledge?  What are you doing as an individual, as a group or as a company to help maintain a healthy weight?