When the Food and Drug Administration crafted regulations for its Preventive Controls for Human Food rule and Foreign Supplier Verification rule, it intended to build on existing good practices in supply-chain control. However, these regulations also establish new supply-chain obligations and are generating new challenges for customers and suppliers.

“As our companies are coming into compliance with the new rules, our members are asking questions about what FDA expects in terms of supplier oversight and who can and cannot act as an importer,” said John Allan, IDFA vice president of regulatory affairs and international standards.

To help respond to these issues and provide suggestions on how companies and suppliers can be in compliance with the new requirements, IDFA will host the webinar, "FDA’s New Supply Chain Food Safety Requirements: Is Your Company in Compliance?," on July 26 from 2:00-3:30 p.m. Eastern time.

Hosted by Allan, the webinar will feature presentations by Rachael Dettmann Spiegel and Jason W. Sapsin with Faegre Baker Daniels LLP. Both Spiegel and Sapsin are members of the firm's food litigation and regulatory practice; Spiegel, associate at the firm, has an in-depth understanding of food and feed industry business practices and ingredient supply chains and Sapsin, counsel at the firm, previously served as associate chief counsel in the Food and Drug Administration's Office of Chief Counsel and advises clients on human and animal food regulations.

To register, visit "FDA’s New Supply Chain Food Safety Requirements: Is Your Company in Compliance?" on the IDFA website.

Members with questions about the webinar may contact Maria Velasco, IDFA meetings coordinator and registrar, at mvelasco@idfa.org.