IDFA welcomed Rep. Glenn “GT” Thompson (R-PA) to its office in Washington, D.C., this week, honoring his years of work as an advocate for dairy as a member of the House Agriculture Committee and his recent efforts to pass legislation that would allow more milk options in schools.

IDFA’s legislative team and representatives from Dean Foods Company, Land O'Lakes, Inc. and Maryland and Virginia Milk Producers Cooperative participated in the luncheon meeting.

“Congressman Thompson is a tireless supporter of dairy and for years has championed the important role that milk plays in nutritious school meals,” said Michael Dykes, D.V.M., IDFA president and CEO. “We were pleased to recognize his most recent effort to introduce the School Milk Nutrition Act in the 115th Congress and appreciate his years of work representing agricultural interests on Capitol Hill.”

Reps. Thompson and Joe Courtney (D-CT) last month introduced the school milk bill, which would allow schools to offer low-fat and fat-free milk, including flavored milk with no more than 150 calories per 8-ounce serving, in the federal school lunch and breakfast programs.

At the luncheon, Thompson briefed attendees on the status of the bill, which now has 22 co-sponsors. He also provided updates on the latest House activities on the upcoming farm bill and tax reform.

IDFA looks forward to hosting more members of Congress at future events. To learn more, contact Colin Newman, IDFA manager of political programs, at