Over the past five years, the Healthy Weight Commitment Foundation (HWCF) has brought together a unique coalition of food manufacturers, community organizations and public health associations to encourage healthy eating and physical activity habits. IDFA is one of HWCF’s partner organizations and at a recent meeting, the leadership of HWCF updated all partners on the accomplishments made over the past five years.

Member companies claim to have removed 6.4 trillion calories from the US food supply. HWCF has awarded more than $1 million in grants to low-income schools for the construction of playgrounds. School curriculums have been developed in order to help teachers educate students on energy balance. Through the Together Counts initiative, messages about physical activity and healthy food choices are disseminated via social media.

Do you work with schools that could use grant money for playgrounds? Would you like to share information about energy balance with your customers? Check out www.togethercounts.com/partners for materials and information.