Michael Dykes, D.V.M., IDFA president and CEO, has been invited to address Federal Milk Marketing Order (FMMO) market administrators and dairy policy staff on August 30 in Breckenridge, Colorado.

According to the invitation Dykes received last Friday from Dana Coale, deputy administrator of dairy programs for the Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS), meeting participants would appreciate hearing IDFA’s views on key issues facing the dairy industry and the FMMO program. More specifically, AMS has asked Dykes to provide input on how the FMMO program might be adjusted, within the confines of the statute, to improve program operations in light of changing marketplace conditions.

Jim Mulhern, president and CEO of the National Milk Producers Federation, will also participate. According to AMS staff, this is the first time in nearly a decade that IDFA and NMPF representatives have been asked to present to this biennial gathering of key leaders of the FMMO program.

Dykes and IDFA staff are currently working with MIF, NCI and IICA board members and members of the NCI and MIF/IICA economic policy committees to develop a list of priority issues that will be included in his remarks.

Members with questions about the upcoming AMS meeting may contact Dave Carlin, senior vice president for legislative affairs and economic policy, dcarlin@idfa.org, for more information.